Heavy Duty Spray Paint from Marsh
Marsh Spray Ink was introduced in the stenciling industry decades ago and continues to be a proven solution for consumers. The quick drying formula results in little running and minimal misting. Marsh Spray Paint is cost efficient; using less ink to make a permanent, weatherproof mark. We use it every day.
These have are so quick to dry, they usually don't drip and run like other brands.
Spray Stencil Inks are useful for permanent, waterproof, fast-drying, bold marks on any surface. Perfect for marking pallets, shipping containers, boxes and more. Also great for murals and other art installations.
Please call us direct for bulk pricing specials at 800-311-6167. We have them in stock and a great price, ready to ship today!
Marsh Spray Inks are lead free, CFC (Chlorofluorocarbons) and CFHC-Free (hydro-chlorofluorocarbons).